Poll: Americans support action on climate change


A recent NBC News poll shows that most Americans want action on climate change. This will be critical as Democrats are poised to take over the House of Representatives.

That figure incorporates 85 percent of Democrats, 79 percent of independents, 71 percent of women, 61 percent of men and strong majorities of all racial groups. At least 55 percent agree on the need for action in all regions of the country, and at all age, education and income levels.

Resistance comes only from the one-third of Americans who identify themselves as Republicans. A 56 percent majority of the GOP says either that concern about climate change is unwarranted or that more research is necessary before taking action.

Democrats would be wise to focus immediately on popular legislation that can pass quickly and put pressure on Republicans and the President to go along, such as extending subsidies for green energy that are scheduled to expire.


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