Scott Pruitt will gut climate change initiatives

three smokestacks and pollution

Based on his track record in Oklahoma, where he basically carried water for the oil and gas industries, many expect that new EPA chief Scott Pruitt will be hostile to initiatives to curb climate change.

His comments this morning reinforce that fear:

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt said Thursday he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

“I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do and there’s tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact, so no, I would not agree that it’s a primary contributor to the global warming that we see ,” he told CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

“But we don’t know that yet … We need to continue the debate and continue the review and the analysis,” he added.

Pruitt’s view is at odds with the opinion of NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The results of this appointment by Donald Trump will likely be devastating to the environment.


Will Trump hurt progress in addressing global warming?

With the stunning victory of Donald Trump, all progress made towards addressing the issue of global warming is now in doubt.

Trump has been hostile to this notion, basically lining up with climate change deniers. It’s also clear that Trump is not a fan of business regulation, and has promised to unleash more drilling along with pushing for more coal.

On the other hand, we’ve seen that Trump will abandon campaign rhetoric without a second thought. He’s done that with many issues, and he recently acknowledged that human activity may be having an effect on global warming.

So basically we’re left with a tremendous amount of uncertainty.


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